Wills: Crafting Your Legacy with Care

A will is a powerful legal document that allows you to define how your assets will be distributed and your final wishes carried out after you pass away. At Strong Law, PLLC, located in Aurora, CO., we understand the importance of creating a will that accurately reflects your intentions, safeguards your legacy, and provides clarity and peace of mind to your loved ones during a challenging time.

Why Having A Will Matters:

A will provides you with the opportunity to choose your own heirs and decide to whom you wish to leave your legacy. Think of a will as an instruction manual to the judge. Your will directs who is to receive your real property, financial assets, and tangible personal property, such as household goods and furnishings, jewelry, antiques, heirlooms, and similar items. Without a will, your estate may be subject to the state intestacy laws. Intestacy laws determine who will serve as your personal representative as well as who is to receive your property.

If you have minor children, you may nominate a guardian to care for your children until they reach the age of majority. Similarly, you may nominate a conservator to provide financial management and support for your children, and a custodian to manage your children's inheritance until they reach they age of majority. 

The biggest and most difficult misconception, though, is the belief that a Will avoids probate. This is not true! A Will only works if probate happens and that usually is not what we want. It is important to work with an estate attorney to understand how you might structure your estate plan to avoid probate and avoid having to use a Will in the first place.

Our Approach to Crafting Your Will

At Strong Law, PLLC, we understand that your will is a deeply personal and significant document. Our approach to creating your will is centered on your unique circumstances and goals. Here's how we can assist you:

  1. In-Depth Consultation: We'll begin by sitting down with you to understand your assets, your family dynamics, and your wishes. We'll ask the right questions to ensure your will is comprehensive and tailored to your needs.
  2. Legal Expertise: As experienced estate planning attorneys, we'll guide you through the legal requirements and considerations necessary to create a valid and enforceable will.
  3. Customization: Your will is as unique as you are. We'll help you customize it to include specific bequests, charitable contributions, and any other special requests you may have.
  4. Review and Updates: Life is constantly changing. We'll encourage regular reviews of your will to ensure it remains up to date and reflects your current circumstances and wishes.

A well-crafted will is a powerful tool that provides you with the peace of mind that comes from knowing your legacy is protected, and your loved ones are cared for. Let Strong Law, PLLC be your trusted partner in creating a will that stands as a testament to your values and ensures your intentions are honored.

Contact us today to schedule your FREE 15-minute consultation and take the first step toward securing your family's future and your legacy. Your peace of mind is our top priority. Call 303-900-8819.

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