The passing of a loved one is a heartbreaking event, filled with grief and sorrow. But the aftermath can become even more painful if disagreements over their personal belongings tear your family apart. These disputes, especially when centered around meaningful objects, can leave lasting wounds that may never fully heal. But it doesn’t have to […]

When Matthew Perry, the beloved star of Friends, passed away last year, the world mourned the loss of a comedic icon. However, as details of his estate began to emerge, a curious puzzle presented itself: despite his reported net worth of $120 million, his bank account held (only) $1.5 million. Admittedly, this seems like a […]

Have you ever heard horror stories about families fighting over Grandma’s jewelry or getting stuck in a never-ending legal battle after someone passes away? Or about how long it can take to sell a house tied up in the court process? What about family members being denied their inheritance completely? Unfortunately, these situations happen every […]

June marks Men’s Health Month, a time dedicated to raising awareness about health issues predominantly affecting men and encouraging the early detection and treatment of disease among men and boys. So this month, let’s turn the focus to you, gentlemen. You already know that taking care of your health allows you to prolong your life […]

As an LGBTQIA+ non-biological parent, June’s arrival sparks a flurry of Pride celebrations reminding you of the remarkable progress the community has made, while also shining a light on the ongoing fight for full equality. One area where you may still face unique legal hurdles is in ensuring your parental rights are properly protected if […]

When your child turns 18, they’re legally considered an adult even though they have a lot more growing to do (though they may not think so!). Just like any other adult, their health and financial information is protected by privacy laws. But unlike any other adult, that’s still your child and you want to be […]

As you celebrate the Fourth of July and all it represents – freedom, independence, and the pursuit of happiness – take pride in the ultimate American liberty: the right to decide your own affairs, even after death or in the event of incapacity. An estate plan, specifically a Life & Legacy Plan, is the way […]

When that extra bit of money from your tax refund lands in your bank account, it’s easy to start dreaming about all the ways you can use it. Financial experts may tell you that it’s a chance to pay off debts, tuck away savings for an emergency, or add to your retirement savings. You, on […]

Moms spend their days and nights thinking about how to make sure their children are happy, healthy, and safe. If you’re a mom, you know. If you aren’t a mom, you were born because of a mom. It’s one of the two things we all have in common. So as Mother’s Day approaches, let’s talk […]